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Counselor Resources » Underwood Counselor Resources

Underwood Counselor Resources

Welcome To Underwood Elementary
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive guidance program based on Social and Emotional Learning for students. The Second Step program is a social-emotional learning program that teaches various social and emotional skills such as emotion recognition and management, empathy, problem-solving, bullying prevention, and goal-setting. We also implement the Six Pillars of Character into our lessons as well: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. We focus on helping students acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to become effective students and responsible citizens.
Social Emotional Learning
Counseling services
  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Classroom guidance
  • Collaboration with teachers, parents, and administrators
How to see the counselor?
  • Student self-referral
  • Staff referral
  • Parent referral
Covid-19 related resources:
Mental Health First Aid resources:
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-Talk(8255)
24hour/7day/week hotline for anyone feeling sad, hopeless, or suicidal
  • Crisis Text Line - Text "MHFA" to 741741
24hour/7day/week text line for anyone with mental health challenges
Trained counselors available 24hour/7day/week to support youth in crisis
Jaycee Stewart